The Ultimate Physical Fitness System


Physical Activity & Sports

For many of us, the mere sight of a trampoline is enough to make us recoil in horror; sprinting for the bus is to be avoided at all costs and chasing our little ones around the backyard can prove embarrassing! So many aspects of our lives are affected when a weak pelvic floor causes involuntary leakages during physical activity.

“At the end of last year’s soccer season, my 7 year old son had a ‘children-against-parents match’. The kids were so hyped. My son looked forward to it for weeks. I remember eagerly joining the other parents on the field. Five minutes later I made a beeline for the ball….and that’s when I peed myself. Not again, I thought. I couldn’t believe it and I certainly couldn’t let on why I so dismally left the field. I felt I had let down my little boy”.

It is the extreme strain that some activities put on the pelvic floor that causes many women to experience this embarrassing leakage. For example, many women who play tennis complain about leaking during their game, as do walkers and joggers. Although most active women appear physically fit on the outside, they may forget to pay attention to important areas on the inside like the vaginal muscles.

However with just 15 – 20 minutes a day of using the Kegelmaster, active women can now achieve peak vaginal conditioning inside, allowing them to actively participate in any sport with less worry that they may leak during such activities. The Kegelmaster gives women a new confidence!

It only makes sense! If we undertake resistance exercise (i.e. lifting weights) in order to maintain adequate muscle mass as we age, surely it is only logical that we must also undertake resistance exercise in order to maintain healthy, strong pelvic floor muscles! This is a workout every woman is encouraged to do on a daily basis, just as we clean our teeth, bath our children or walk the dog. As women it is imperative we have a little bit of “me time” everyday. We’re worth it!

Note: Did you know that the grip strength of your vagina may be only 4 ounces of contractual strength. The Kegelmaster has the capacity to increase the strength of your vaginal muscles over 12 pounds!

Your body will know when you have reached your own optimum personal level as you will feel more energetic, liberated, and confident!